Other Complaints


If you have a legal complaint regarding the Services other than copyright matters, or wish to receive further information regarding use of the Services, please contact us. You may also submit comments using the postal address below:

ATTN: General Counsel
1300 Clay Street, Ste.600
Oakland, CA 94612


Your complaint must:

  • identify the material that is claimed to violate your rights or to be the subject of activity that violates your rights and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material;


  • explain what rights you have and why you believe the material violates your rights; and


  • provide accurate information that we can use to contact you.

Please note that the fees and charges for the Services, if any, vary depending upon the Services selected. If you have a complaint regarding the Services, you also may contact the Complaint Assistance Unit of the Division of Consumer Services of the California Department of Consumer Affairs in writing at 1625 North Market Blvd., Suite N 112, Sacramento, California 95834, or by telephone at (800) 952-5210.